Today, for the first time, I had evidence that my words have reached at least one person. Well, reached may be stretching a point, I don't claim ever to have managed that, despite years of trying, but they have at least been read. I'd probably continue anyway but it is nice to know that I am not totally alone.
This morning I was reading about an interdenominational football match, arranged somewhere in Scandinavia, as a means of integrating the Muslim community with the other denominations. (I am sot sure who runs the God Squad in Norway!) Anyway all went well in the run up, but when the Muslims found out that there were to be women on the opposing team, they withdrew on the grounds that they could not run the risk of physical contact with "them". So the whole thing was called off. According to the report, all was not lost as it did give the two sides something to talk about.
I wonder if their motives were not something different to those reported. I think that the Immams know that women always play by a completely different set of rules, and that those rules are continually subject to change, according to whim, fancy, false memory and or no reason at all. Hence, in any conflict or competition with the XX persons, there can only be one result. Even in an argument, if a man tries to have a last word, it is simply the beginning of a new argument. Most women know what they want and always get it.
Anyway it is raining - just. Not enough to do anything useful, just enough to make things damp and unpleasant for the bank holiday. I can at least spend the day at my desk and make an attempt to get as much done on the assignment as possible. I'll probably also add to my blog as it is a substitute for communication, even if it doesn't reach it's target.
Enjoy your monday.
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