Decorating is not my idea of a great time, but it does have its benefits too. It is such a mindless activity that I can more or less switch off my remaining three brain cells and give them a well deserved rest. I am waiting for paper to soak before I can scrape it off at the moment, so I have time to sit and write a few lines before I head back to it. Another advantage is that it is a good displacement activity, it is yet another way of avoiding the issue of this bloody assignment. I have gone as far as negotiating a possible solution with my tutor but it didn't solve the fundamental problem of motivation.
I see that NASA have discovered a supernova. Such sightings are pretty rare, and must give astronomers a chance to find yet more pieces in the jigsaw that is the history of the universe. I love looking at the night sky; it always fills me with a real sense of my own insignificance. So many suns and such huge distances involved, so many potential worlds out there and so much that we will never know or comprehend. It always puts things into perspective. At the end of the day, there is very little that matters and we are all just transient collections of elements, that have no lasting impact on the overall structure. We are only important to ourselves and will easily be forgotten.
So decorating is pretty pointless really. It's nest making I suppose and needless to say largely driven by the female of the species while executed by the male. It is another means of control. I'm sure that it will look good for a while, but I thought it
looked ok before. Oh well, back to it I suppose. Have a good one!
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