Monday 21 September 2009

Happy mondays

I have been checking my broadband speed this morning. I do it from time to time just to satisfy myself that my ISp is failing to keep its promise. I am paying for 10Mb/s and usually manage to obtain about 2. Now this is actually adequate for my needs but I do feel that I am paying over the odds for the service that I get. I know that the contract says in very small print - "up to" but it still seems a little unfair to generate such optimism, whilst guaranteeing disappointment.

It is of course the fashion to be upbeat and positive about everything, to make promises that cannot possibly be delivered upon, whilst looking down or realistic viewpoints and branding their holders as cynics.

I agree that there is a place for optimism, after all burying one's head in the sand can generate a wonderful feeling of security, but some that I know make a habit of this while being shafted by those who prey on them.

I'd love to be able to see the good in everyone but I firmly believe that some are born bad, and as such, lack any redeeming features. Of course many are made bad by their circumstances and the world is generating more and more "bad" people because of the way that we are running it. Here we have a growing underclass of young people who do not fit into the moulds that are available to them, choosing to live outside of the laws and social mores that keep society in order. They are failing to recognise authority and authority in it's turn seems to be losing the advantage. the police force are spending more and more of their time dealing with kids, and the news reports habitual offenders as young as three years. Kids have become untouchable in all senses and more and more of them are becoming feral. I know that if kids vandalise my property that I can do nothing about it. To defend myself against them is illegal and should I do anything then i am liable to be prosecuted. Like most adults, I now avoid any dealings with kids out in the wild and that is a shame.

On an optimistic note, I do have a broadband connection that seems to be reliable most of the time. That means that I can access the world virtually, which seems so much more pleasant in some ways than the harsh realities of a human race that is rapidly heading for self destruction.


Anonymous said...

Oh my! If this is a Happy Monday for you, I wouldn't want to see what you would write on an Unhappy Monday.

Paul said...

Oh I am sure that it would be much the same :-)

4p said...

i agree with you about the children... where are hairbrushes and wooden spoons kept? is a 'naughty step' the right way to go? where will it end?
etc... etc....