Thursday 10 September 2009

Searching for the truth

Watching with a sense of awe the latest batch of pictures from the enhanced Hubble Telescope, I was taken away from my reverie by a comment about the money that is wasted upon space exploration. There are millions of people out there who do see such a program as a waste of money, and while there are huge problems in society and desperate poverty in the world, I can see the argument. However, the same millions of people are quite happy to support the obscenity of the organised religions, that do nothing to solve the underlying problems faced by those that support them.
On the same news broadcast I was appalled by the attitudes being expressed in the USA regarding Barak Obama’s attempts to bring a new humanity to the American health system, where everyone, regardless of their wealth, would have access to medical care. There is so much anger that seems to come from profound ignorance of what a National Health service is all about, many people opposing the idea on the basis of an ideology that has been driven into them while education has failed. America seems to magnify the enormous divides that exist within the world, and with their obsessive views on freedom, the whole world can observe them on their best and worst behaviour.
As a society, the world is being pulled apart. We seem to have learned very little from history and still allow ourselves to be ruled by the irrational. Politicians are afraid to oppose those who are led by fantastic theistic philosophies, and so the churches still wield their powers, albeit in covert ways.
The money spent perpetuating ancient middle eastern mythologies would go a long way towards solving many of the real issues faced by people today. What is spent on space research is insignificant in proportion, and I for one would rather spend money seeking the truth than in the perpetuation of lies.

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