Wednesday 23 December 2009

Bah Humbug

It has been a few days since I wrote and not much has gone on that is worth commenting on. Though having said that, the climate summit in Copenhagen came to a predictable end with no-one really giving anything away and with all vested interests well protected. The rich nations, as well as China, pulled up the ladder and declared that we are ok Jack! What did anyone expect them to do?

Abdul Dinnerjacket has assured us all that Iran has no intention of building a nuclear trigger, despite evidence to the contrary, and we are supposed to believe that this man who openly declared a desire to erase Israel from the map, has peaceful and honourable intentions. What is honourable to some is clearly not understood by others. For some it is honourable to murder their wives and daughters in the name of honour, simply because they have accepted and adopted the customs of the country in which they have found themselves. Only recently was a young Muslim girl killed by her father to protect the honour of the family. How can anyone with a civilised bone in their body see any sense or justification for that?

It is no surprise that the middle eastern problem has not gone away. Can it ever? The two worlds are so far apart in so many ways that there seems little middle ground. Perhaps the solution would be to build a wall around the middle east and fill it with the surplus water from the melting of the ice caps.

On the home front the final run down towards the most silly day of the year has begun. Money has been spent, fridges and freezers are stuffed and blood alcohol levels are reaching saturation point. The TV is bursting with pap and ready to deliver the usual dreary mass of crap to millions of dispeptic sleepers and bored children. Here we will be cut off from the mainland for a whole day and even the Curry houses will close, not out of respect for the Christian festival but because there will be no takers; and so the unregistered and nameless thousands of employees can take a break from their less than minimum waged jobs, and be seen in the streets, no-one will care.

If you are reading this then i hope that you have a good holiday and, in the words of the late great Dave Allen, May your god go with you.


Anonymous said...

Hi, a new reader here. I do enjoy reading your posts, so please keep them coming (:

Hope you'll have a lovely year ahead!


Paul said...

Thankyou very much and a happy new year to you. :-)

Paul said...

Thankyou very much and a happy new year to you. :-)