Tuesday 15 December 2009

December days

Today is one of those days that never gets light. I loathe December more than any other month I think, though it does have one saving grace and that is the winter solstice - beyond that the days get longer again.
The lemmings are all out spending money that they haven't got on things that no-one needs, stocking larders to bursting point with food that will largely go to waste, and all of this for one day that has no meaning whatever for most of those that celebrate it.
There is an irony in that a very important conference of climate change is going on while houses, streets and shops are festooned with the tacky and tasteless light shows that have carbon footprints as big as a family car, while merely contributing light pollution to our already overlit streets. The same people that spend a whole year switching off lights wherever they go will be negating those actions with jolly fat santas in red suits flashing merry xmas to one and all.
Houses are already filling with paper and card as the christmas card barrage enters its final days. I suppose at least people who were thought dead put up their heads momentarily and get added once more to that inexorable list of those who we simply must send cards to.
Looking on the bright side - we have the coldest months yet to come and this year I got my cheque for heating allowance, so perhaps I can throw a few extra twigs onto the fire and wish you all a happy humbug!


Anonymous said...

I liked your writing:) but in my opinion it is up to you how to celebrate or not celebrate Xmas. As for me and my family we do not make much fuss about it. Having a nice dinner together and just a small gift to each other.If all goes well we will have a white Xmas. On Xmas Eve I like the silence...all the lemmings :) are at home...no cars...no busy malls...just silence and the snow outside...it brings back some nice memories from my childhood.
Search for Self-Realization Meditation Healing Centre on the Internet. It is a wonderful hideaway in the village of Queen Camel . If I lived in Englad I would go:) xxx Lilly

Paul said...

I hope that you have a wonderful time.