Thursday, 10 May 2007

Much ado

Yesterday I had a lovely surprise. Anne called in and the silence was broken. She came bearing a home made carrot cake, and we sat and drank coffee just like old times. So far the highlight of my week.
I have made a lot of progress on the assignment too and the interactive CDRom is about done. I'll have to get someone to test it before I burn and label it. The kitchen is past the really messy stage too so the last couple of days have been reasonably successful. Having said that, the weekend looms again, and nothing is planned. that is a mixed blessing but on the whole i think I prefer it that way.

When writing here, I rarely know what i am going to say until I sit down and make a start. Often it's a case of the first thing that enters my mind and then I go into a free fall of rambling. Now and then a news item will catch my attention and at other times i just feel like sharing my thoughts (with myself?), though I know that one person does read what I say.

Today, like yesterday is one of those days where i don't have a point to make or anything to rant about so I will just witter.

Holly, my musical student is due soon, and i look forward to that. She is such a nice person as well as an amazing talent. the hour with her slips past very quickly. I am sure that she could teach me as much as I teach her, though the subject matter would be different.

It's cool and raining again today, so no watering to do and no outdoor jobs. Maybe that is as well as i hae so much to do indoors.

Oh well have a good thursday.


Anonymous said...

I love reading your thoughts. It inspires me to be brave and uncontained enough to commit some of my own to print. I guess that past experience has taught me that sharing (never mind acting) on what goes on inside my head can be off-putting to others.

I certainly have fewer readers/contacts than in a previous Blog Life.

Paul said...

Sharing what is in your head is the ultimate intimacy.
I miss that very much.