Friday 29 August 2008

another day

Just back from yet another visit to the hospital. I know the place pretty well by now, and as I wandered between endoscopy and audiology, I passed a number of departments that i have spent many an hour in. I even saw the surgeon who last spilled my blood. There are still some departments that I have yet to visit but no doubt if I hang around long enough I will get to see them too.

I seem to have spent a significant part of my life in the hands of the NHS and i guess that i am grateful to still be here, to be walking and seeing clearly, and yet here i am grumbling about the time i spend there. There are many people who go their whole lives without any intervention by the medical profession, and they are so lucky.

Just entering a hospital fills me with feelings of dread. The smells, the noises and even the decoration on the walls, are all triggers to me. They bring back memories from childhood that are best left alone, and whenever i leave the premises it wis with great relief.

The outcome from today was good, and a weight has been lifted for sure. next week it is my turn again and I will learn the outcome of my CT scan. Oddly I don't look forward to it at all. I wonder if i have a brain?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All will be well.....
Believe me!