Thursday 9 July 2009


I have a friend, who was known to take days off work to play a computer game. That one happened to be Tomb Raider, a wonderfully inventive virtual adventure where the character of Lara Croft battles her way through a linear series of puzzles and adventures, killing and destroying as she goes. When i was working, I never saw the attraction of these games and my attention span was about the same length as my reaction time. Nowadays i have plenty of time on my hands and I find that these things are becoming more and more attractive.
My current game of choice, having completed the last Tomb Raider game with huge enjoyment is a golf simulation. I do not spend all day on it but try to play once a day even if only for half an hour. I do enjoy it thoroughly especially as it offers a challenge and i don't find it at all easy. I can pretend that I am on the golf course and that is rather sad in a way because most days, I could be on the actual golf course.
I can understand how people become addicted to these things, and from an outsiders point of view, it must be odd for someone of my advancing years to be in possession of one games console let alone three. The latest buy was a Nintendo Wii, not my decision I might add, just that someone wanted to get fit and this seems to be the universal panacaea for those who don't much like exercise but can go through the motions in the front room. It is fascinating though how Nintendo have become so health and safety conscious - wrist straps so that you can't let go of the hand sets and jelly casings in case you hit anything or anyone with them, as well as safety warnings onscreen all of the time. Rather takes the edge off i think.
I do not have an addictive personality. I gave up smoking easily and can take or leave alcoholic beverages, though i do prefer to take them, and I don't do drugs. I tried pot a few times but last time it made me feel sick. I know that I am lucky in that respect and that there are others less fortunate. I wonder if my friend is still sneaking days off work to play games?


Anne said...

Do please wear the head gear and mind those glass doors! x

Paul said...

Head gear??? That is a step too far!

Anonymous said...

For my money, a good bicycle ride is a much more fun way of getting exercise, with the added bonus of fresh scenery!

Paul said...

I tend to agree, though a good walk is a fine way to spend time and energy.