Wednesday 1 July 2009

Damn and blast it!

You may notice the lack of ads! I have been disabled for allegedly encouraging people to click!!!


Anonymous said...

I guess that idealism and capitalism aren't a good mix! Never could figure the ads out anyway. I hope you at least get paid for previous clicking behaviour.

Paul said...

Yes i know what you mean! They won't pay me a thing as according to them I broke my agreement by encouraging others to click on sites. There you go - easy come easy went and I am not really sorry though 100 dollars would have bought a nice curry.

4P said...

so, these poor, arthritic, badly educated, aphid ridden fingers did all that clicking for nothing???
Thank goodness for summer, incredible electric storms, torrential rain.. loads of heat, my sapling cherry tree with its wonderful crop of 4 very sweet cherries.. for lightweight clothes.. and would you like another recipe for curry? (i cant say i miss the ads, despite them adding a certain mystery to your blog :) )