Sunday 19 August 2007

Sunday bloody sunday

A wet sunday, so i am indoors and awaiting the start of the football match on the Radio. It's not as bad as it sounds, as I can sit and write for a while. I have started writing short stories again, largely due to a new source of inspiration. I don't think that they are suitable for this blog but who knows?

Next week I must get back to writing the story that I started so long ago. I have spent so long on it, I feel that I must get it finished. It is very rare for me NOT to finish something that I start; call it pig headedness if you like but I will even struggle through a book that I am not enjoying, rather than not finish it.

I am reading Margaret Attwood again. This is some sort of self imposed punishment, as her books are all set in the southern part of Ontario, and as such are constant reminders of the past. She writes wonderfully well though and I will not deprive myself of her, simply to avoid pain.

OK - I promise myself that after today I will return to blogging on a regular basis. For now though, I have little worth saying.

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